Click below for links to items discussed in this recorded training: 1. Demographics 2. Intro Survey 3. Link to training presentation 4. Recording of today’s presentation 5. Find Your Anchor 6. Please Stay 7. R U Ok? 8. Safety Planning 9. Order digital or paper safety plans 10. Order a Care Kit or Find Your Anchor Box 11. Additional resources to continue this conversation: 1. Creating a Healthier Life 2. A Journey Towards Health and Hope 3. Navigating a Crisis 12. Online & on-demand trainings 13. Tahoe Lifeline training 1. Check out CAMS-care training if you work directly in mental health care 14. Evaluation What words come to mind when you think of suicide? Below is a Wordle that was created from the words our audience supplied. Maybe someday when we think of the work suicide things won't feel so dark. Maybe the words that will come to mind will be: hope, help, support, care, rare, and so on...that is our mission! On a scale of 1-5, how knowledgeable do you feel on the topic of suicide? The average for 23 participant responses was 3.5.
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December 2024