February 18, 2025 - 1-3 pm PST
This 2-hour training gives participants the skills and tools to appreciate the critical need for suicide prevention while creating a forum for dialogue and critical thinking about workplace mental health challenges, and by promoting help-seeking and help-giving. Cost: FREE Register Here February 11, 2025 - 1-3 pm PST The Be Sensitive, Be Brave infuses culture and diversity throughout this foundational workshop on Suicide Prevention - teaching community members to act as eyes and ears for suicidal distress and how to connect individuals to help. Cost: FREE Register Here February 24, 2025 - 9-11 am PST
The Be Sensitive, Be Brave infuses culture and diversity throughout this foundational workshop on Mental Health - teaching community members to help friends and loved ones during times of distress. Learn how to recognize mental health conditions, what to do when someone needs support, and tools for maintaining good mental health. Cost: FREE Register Here Friday, March 14, 2025 from 8:00 AM 4:00 PM
Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) Certification workshop teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among children and adolescents ages 6-18. WHAT IT COVERS
Format: 8-hour in-person workshop FREE Registration: Register Here Value: Approximately $247 per person, but provided at no cost to participants who live or work in Placer or Nevada counties Questions? Shannon Decker, [email protected], 208.471.8904 Friday, February 21, 2025 from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Certification Workshop teaches you how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance use challenges among adults. WHAT IT COVERS
Format: 8-hour in-person interactive workshop FREE Registration: Register Here Value: Approximately $247 per person, but provided at no cost to participants who work or reside in Placer or Nevada counties Questions? Shannon Decker, [email protected], 208.471.8904
"Be Sensitive, Be Brave for Mental Health" infuses culture and diversity throughout a foundational workshop on mental health. This FREE workshop prepares community members to help friends and loved ones during times of distress. Learn how to recognize mental health conditions, what to do when someone needs support, and tools for maintaining good mental health.
Learn How To:
“Be Sensitive, Be Brave for Suicide Prevention” infuses culture and diversity throughout a foundational workshop on suicide prevention. This FREE workshop teaches community members to act as eyes and ears for suicidal distress and to connect individuals to help.
Learn How To:
¡Se buscan miembros de la comunidad que puedan ayudar a brindar concientización educativa sobre la prevención de sobredosis de opioides!
Para registrarse, seleccione "BOOK" a continuación. Calling all middle and high school students (ages 13+) and staff in California to get trained in suicide prevention! If you are an employee working in any public middle or high school in California, you are eligible to complete this training at no cost. Middle and high school students and staff take the same training program. Students and staff should choose two of the three youth-specific practice scenarios at the end of the training titled "Eric", "Ali", or "Mikayla and Hailey". Students who complete LivingWorks Start are eligible to earn 90 minutes of community service hours. Follow Here for Training Students: You will have 60 days to complete your training and receive community service learning credits. Once you enroll in the training please make a commitment to complete it, otherwise, that valuable license is lost Anyone who works with children and youth is invited to take the Safe Spaces training. These individuals may include coaches, mentors, tutors, California State-Certified Wellness Coaches working in and outside of clinical settings, early care providers, and school staff—such as educators, school nurses, social workers, librarians, administrative support, school bus drivers and yard duty support. Each module is about two hours and is filled with case examples, videos, strategies and practices
Click Here to Learn More and Take the Trainings Coaches training on SEL to take place on 5/14/24 for TNT Mountain Biking. Flyer linked below. Coaches can register by clicking here. Training RecordingResources:
Our next community Mental Health First Aid trainings will be:
Understanding Teen Substance Use and Tools to Support Their Recovery with Dr. Jonathan Lowe, DNP2/15/2024
Recorded on 2/15/24 for the TTUSD Wellness Partner Meeting There is one Youth Mental Health First Aid trainings scheduled to begin on March 15th for Placer and Nevada County residents and workforce. Additional sessions will be scheduled in the near future.
YMHFA is a 7-hour workshop that will be delivered over two 3.5-hour sessions. It's great for anyone who interfaces with youth. Please feel free to share this with your networks who might be interested in becoming certified in Youth Mental Health First Aid. Click the button below to learn more and register. We have two Mental Health First Aid trainings set up for Placer and Nevada County residents and workforce. The first session starts on January 26th, and the next session starts on April 19th.
MHFA is an 8-hour workshop that will be delivered over two 4-hour sessions. It's great for anyone who interfaces with the general public. Please feel free to share this with your networks who might be interested in becoming certified in Mental Health First Aid. Click the button below to learn more and register.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction is an 8-week experiential course that includes meditation, mindfulness, and movement practices. These practices support you in developing your inner resources for managing stress, regulating emotions and cultivating resilience. MBSR has been researched for over 40 years and outcomes include a decrease in symptoms in physical and psychological stress-related conditions such as anxiety, depression, chronic pain, stress, and hypertension. Most importantly, these practices nurture a capacity for greater self-compassion, awareness, and appreciation of oneself.
There is a new weekly SMART Recovery meeting is starting up at Truckee High School that is intended for and welcomes teens in TTUSD. It meets every Friday 2:45 when school is in-session in the Truckee High wellness center.
Click below for links to items discussed in this recorded training: 1. Demographics 2. Intro Survey 3. Link to training presentation 4. Recording of today’s presentation 5. Find Your Anchor 6. Please Stay 7. R U Ok? 8. Safety Planning 9. Order digital or paper safety plans 10. Order a Care Kit or Find Your Anchor Box 11. Additional resources to continue this conversation: 1. Creating a Healthier Life 2. A Journey Towards Health and Hope 3. Navigating a Crisis 12. Online & on-demand trainings 13. Tahoe Lifeline training 1. Check out CAMS-care training if you work directly in mental health care 14. Evaluation What words come to mind when you think of suicide? Below is a Wordle that was created from the words our audience supplied. Maybe someday when we think of the work suicide things won't feel so dark. Maybe the words that will come to mind will be: hope, help, support, care, rare, and so on...that is our mission! On a scale of 1-5, how knowledgeable do you feel on the topic of suicide? The average for 23 participant responses was 3.5.
Responses to Survey Questions:
Know Overdose Nevada County is offering a Spanish train-the-trainer in the Tahoe/Truckee area on September 19 from 2:00-4:00pm at Sierra Community House in King’s Beach. The goal is to build capacity for trainings in Spanish to ensure the campaign and information are reaching all communities. If you have any bilingual or monolingual Spanish-speaking staff, please consider having them attend. It is free and a great opportunity. Folks can REGISTER HERE. The Know Overdose Coalition will be hosting two FREE virtual community opioid overdose prevention and Narcan trainings in recognition of August 31 being International Overdose Awareness Day. We are very excited to be able to offer one of the trainings in Spanish. Below is the information for both trainings (note they are on different dates and times).
Community Opioid Overdose Prevention and Narcan Training Friday, August 31 from 12-1pm via Zoom Free registration: https://bit.ly/Training08312023 In recognition of International Overdose Awareness Day, Know Overdose Nevada County will be presenting a FREE virtual community training on opioid overdose prevention and how to use Narcan. Learn about:
Entrenamiento en español sobre la prevención de sobredosis por opioids y cómo usar Naloxona/Narcan Miércoles 6 de septiembre de 4 a 5pm via Zoom Regístrese gratis aquí: https://bit.ly/entrenamiento9623 En reconocimiento del Día Internacional de Concientización sobre la Sobredosis, Know Overdose Nevada County presentará una capacitación comunitaria virtual GRATUITA sobre la prevención de sobredosis de opioides y cómo usar Narcan. Los asistentes aprenderán sobre:
December 2024